“Because a kiss brings two individuals together in an exchange of sensory information by way of taste, smell, touch, and possibly even silent chemical messengers called pheromones (odorless airborne signals), it has the potential to provide all kinds of insight into another person. So even when our conscious minds may not recognize it, the act […]
Realm of the quotidian
?Ideas improve. The meaning of words participates in the improvement. Plagiarism is necessary. Progress implies it. It embraces an author’s phrase, makes use of his expressions, erases a false idea, and replaces it with the right idea. ? ? Guy Debord
lives unloved
If you find yourself awake in the middle of night worrying, with thoughts whirling round repeatedly in your head, I’ ve several strategies you can try. The list goes on as – Try and think about some good food dish you haven’t has for years and yearn for it, assiduously. Give away to your usual […]
Euphemisms for sex
17 Euphemisms for Sex From the 1800s ? AMOROUS CONGRESS MELTING MOMENTS PULLY HAWLY TIFF-?A tiff could be a minor argument or falling-out, as we know it. In the 19th century, it was also a term for eating or drinking between meals, or in this case, a quickie. ?
Body image, with vintage stars.
Highway, Film.
Film review – Highway Highway?is completely free of grey. There is no sense of threat or danger, and no tension in this equation. Ali?s only concern seems to be to make captivity an ideal in which two fissured souls can find each other. Every gesture and every dialogue of the rich family that Veera has […]
What Comes After the Public University?
Channeling Pablo Neruda
Channeling Pablo Neruda by Manjul Bajaj (India) I want to do with you what Pablo Neruda does with words Lay you down with precise and controlled violence amid images of a flagrant spring Wait! Make that a wanton monsoon with winds strong enough to tear off your shirt better still strip you down to nothing […]
The Blind Man’s Garden – Nadeem Aslam
?An artist is never poor?, he says almost reassuring the audience. ?He says an artist should never lose heart.? Not alluding, stating it quite blatantly and buoyantly – Hope is tragic, as well. ?Despair has to be earned?, he concludes to a standing ovation as he leaves the stage.