“Even concubinage has been corrupted?by marriage.” ?Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
Realm of the quotidian
Life, this endl…
About Bombay
About Bombay- We don’t belong here… The island city was reclaimed from the sea The Sea will take it back, one day. We are all passer bys migrants, drifters, dreamers, fortune seekers, time travelers, anchored for a while till we set sail again The map is constantly being redrawn yesterday it was an archipelago of […]
I shudder.
I shudder to think this man could be our future PM. Here’s what Ashis Nandy had to say when he interviewed Modi after the 2002 Gujarat pogrom:? “Modi, it gives me no pleasure to tell the readers, met virtually all the criteria that psychiatrists, psycho-analysts and psychologists had set up after years of empirical work […]
The overman
The small men ask only:?How is man to be preserved best, longest and most agreeably??They are concerned solely with small virtues. The Overman wants not topreserve?man, but to?overcome?man. And Zarathustra spoke: ?Relevance? She is new. She is a shy one. She is from the desert, so I love her, though she is the enemy of […]
“Only where the state ends, there begins the human being who is not superfluous.”
“War is the father of all things,” Heraclitus once wrote, and in agreement with this Zarathustra thought that nothing worthwhile would ever come about without strife. “Live dangerously!” is the advice that he gives to his friends. Even in love relationships risks must be taken. Getting hurt in a love relationship is nothing to be […]
Unpacking Idiosyncratic Things and Mental Illness
”Without images, melodies or languages worth loving and worshipping, we would lose the ability to withstand existence.” Ville Andersson “When we try to pick up anything by itself?we find it is attached to everything in the universe.” ?– John Muir?? ? Despite their macabre overtones and Gothic atmosphere, his images are a tender and dignified […]
The art of flux- germination of a new season.
In each of the four chapters, a new season unfolds, beginning with autumn and ending with summer, and out of it spring to life vignettes of different experiences along the banks of a shared river, waves of permanence and impermanence washing together. A subtle recurring motif of opposing forces ? subjugation and release, celebration and […]