The small men ask only:?How is man to be preserved best, longest and most agreeably??They are concerned solely with small virtues. The Overman wants not topreserve?man, but to?overcome?man.
And Zarathustra spoke: ?Relevance? She is new. She is a shy one. She is from the desert, so I love her, though she is the enemy of all. Beware of any who call upon her. Keep for her a second stick! But you will not need them. She is too quick for you, Modern Reader. If you approach her baring even a twig or a ball of twine, she will wither you down with a simple glance or a flick of her hair, and suck from you every ounce of gold you thought you had between your ears; between your ribs and spine; between your heels and between your hands.
?And he that calls upon her is the under-man, but it is not just this that makes him so. He has overcome his other, and this has made of him a self; and because of this it has made for him a self. So he must call on Relevance (though she is his enemy) or lose completely what he has become; and this he is afraid of most, because he is always on a stage now, always, and he is never quite sure he has learned his lines.